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Root fig cuttings the easy, stress-free way. "Fig pops" are a simple method that allows you to root fig cuttings without a lot of hassle and using minimal space. It's cost effective and straight forward.


Check out our article called "How To Root Fig Cuttings: The Fig Pop Method" for detailed instructions on rooting your fig cuttings.


Our Fig Pop Supply Kit includes everything you need to make ten fig pops:

  • (10) 4"x16" 2-mil poly bags
  • (10) #32 rubber bands


If you are ordering fig cuttings, this is an essential add-on.

Fig Pop Supply Kit - 10 Pack

  • Each Fig Pop Supply Kit includes everything you need to make ten fig pops:

    • (10) 4"x16" 2-mil poly bags
    • (10) #32 rubber bands